Tricia & Kenny
Step 1: In Google Maps, input 1868 Capito Hill Road Franklin, WV 26807
Step 2: Add a stop at “Loafer’s Glory 3576 Dry Run Rd Franklin, WV 26807” so that Maps routes you to the SECOND turn onto Capito Hill Rd, rather than the first. The first turn will still get you there, but it’s a dirt road through a cow field with three gates. Country rules: leave a gate as you found it. So, as you drive down Dry Run Road, expect to pass Capito Hill Rd on your left and keep going. After you pass Loafer’s Glory, Maps will have you turn left onto the SECOND (paved) Capito Hill Road.
Step 3: After Churchville, VA, you will lose cell phone service. We recommend you download your Google Maps directions. Use this link for instructions for how to download Google Maps navigation to your device.
Step 4 : Note that Google Maps uses an incorrect name for “Dry Run Rd”, Maps calls it “Johnstown Road.” That’s wrong, it is Dry Run Rd on the sign.
Old fashioned turn-by-turn written directions with lots of landmarks are available here.
Step 1: In Google Maps, input 1868 Capito Hill Road Franklin, WV 26807
Step 2: Add a stop at “Winchester, VA” so that Maps routes you AROUND the DC metro area by taking you west of that mess.
Optional Step 3: If you want to minimize time on I-81 and see some beautiful countryside, add a stop at "Moorefield, WV." There is no appreciable time difference and this is a MUCH nicer drive than I-81.
Step 3 or 4: At various times in your drive, you will lose cell phone service. We recommend you download your Google Maps directions. Use this link for instructions for how to download Google Maps navigation to your device.
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